Cyber and Privacy @ SBA

In our data-driven digital world, cyber security is more important than ever.

Businesses rely heavily on modern technology, but that same technology can expose businesses to a broad spectrum of cyber-security threats. Our lawyers understand the complex legal and technical issues involved and have significant experience in cases involving privacy and cyber-security breaches.

Canadian privacy laws and legislation such as PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act), PHIPA (Personal Health Information Protection Act) and FIPPA (Freedom of Information and Protect of Privacy Act) promote trust and serve to protect Canadians. 

We will help with expert guidance every step of the way. To stay ahead of potential risks, we assist with the initial development of preventative cyber-security systems for risk assessment and risk management. Our S.T.O.P Assessment (Systems, Technology, Operations and Policies Assessment) provides a physical and technical assessment of our client’s business to determine the risks and vulnerabilities of their cyber security. 

In addition, our cyber security and privacy lawyers draft Cyber Incident Response Plans to prepare clients for the event of a breach. We assist with transferring risk through contracts with third parties and securing adequate insurance coverage. Our team will work with businesses to train and conduct exercises to ensure preparedness for a cyber-incident or data breach. 

Unfortunately, as technology evolves, so does the proficiency of cyber criminals. If a data breach occurs, it must be managed quickly and efficiently. Our firm offers an immediate response 24/7 emergency hotline. When a breach is discovered, it is crucial that we are notified right away to respond to the situation. We minimize the exposure from a data breach and provide effective coverage opinions. If necessary, we fiercely defend cyber and privacy claims and represent insureds in privacy tort actions with focus and dedication. 

Primary Group Contact:

Cyber liability and privacy

Lisa Armstrong